Random wandering found me in Guan Yin Park. A nice little garden of oriental tone with the full ambience of garden sounds (gurgling fountain, singing birds), which I think was enhanced by the SL night. I took a minute to wander the small parcel and really enjoyed the garden. The overall scene was well done. Plethora of flowers and the usual fare. Additionally, there was a nice little sculpture installment called "Geisha Sisters". Very SL-minimal in its creation, it nonetheless conveys a certain feeling and message and was a solid piece in line with the overall parcel theme. You will also note a nice golden statue and a red barrel object.

An available notecard details...
The Oracle of Change is an SL version of the Yi Jing (often transliterated as I Ching).
Donations from this Oracle are currently being collected for Support for Healing here in Second Life, and Modest Needs, a small RL charity that gives loans to people who are in a crisis (http://www.modestneeds.org).
Donate 20 L or more to the Oracle of Changes and you will get a notecard containing your reading. Donate as much as you want. All the money goes to charity in RL and SL.
The card you receive may contain a simple positive or negative answer, for instance good fortune or misfortune, or it may give you advice or instructions. Some of the instructions are a spiritual or adventure quest. Follow it, and you may find unexpected spirit treasure.
This network of Oracle Orbs is maintained by the Avatars of Change, a monastic and charitable order within SL. We currently have three sites totalling more than 5000 M of temples, retreats and monasteries. Please contact one of our officers to be considered for membership in our Order.
After a list of all the locations, the notecard further added the following:
So what is an oracle? An oracle, like the famous Oracle of Delphi, or the ancient Chinese Yi Jing (also spelled I Ching), answers questions. This Oracle will give advice and instructions, but it does not predict the future. It is like a small flashlight that lets you see a little ahead of yourself on the path of life. Use it wisely, and you may avoid stepping in holes in the dark. This Oracle is intended for use here in SL. If you have RL questions on which you are seeking advice, please IM one of our Diviners, Taras Balderdash or Suzanne Logan.
This is a real Oracle, so not all the readings are positive. But all of them are advice, not prediction, so don't get overyly upset if you get a bad reading. It may be a warning or a way to improve your situation. Don't be surprised if the Oracle sometimes seems to speak harshly to you. It is your own subconscious, not some outside voice. You would do well to heed your own criticism, if it rings true.
I am constantly tuning and revising the Oracle. Please let me know if you find typos.
This work is dedicated to I Ching master Tsung Hwa Jou, whose work inspired many of the readings. Memory Eternal!
Blessings and Thanks!
Taras Balderdash, Avatarian Prelate
Obviously, I had to give it a whirl and popped in an appropriate donation. What's the read on yours truly? Well, I managed to get two from my single donation...
You lose a goat and don't chase after it.
No trouble.
Weeding out.
Make the hard decisions.
Take the middle way.
Expect good deeds not to be rewarded.
Not bad. I think I'm living up to this. At least the part about the goat.