Newly minted avatar, Nichove Abramovic (Born on Date 9.11.07) was kind enough to help me relive my most recent turtule spam adventures. He chose Spetember 11th, the National Day of Reflection for the new millenium. This might seem odd to you, but it happens to be expected and far be it from the likes of Nichove to let the populace down.
This proud member of the Jews of Second Life group was also quite generous in that he allowed so many of my SL compatriots to be a part of the action this time. The wonderful spectacle spanned far across the grid, from the barren veldt of Jessie all the way to the New Continents and back to the dens of iniquity in Crimson.
Witness the glorious rain of cash.
...and yes, see too my old turtle friend.
Yet, in the end, the Hand of Linden came from on high to crush the rebelion. Where did all the money go? The coffers of your Masters are lined with just such treasures as these, freely bestowed on the people by forward thinking avatars, not content to let Evil reign. Poor souls crushed underfoot by the Ruling Family.

The last note, but a figment. A ghost of riches wiped clean by Gods. Our avatars remain shackled to an unjust economy, suffering the Wrath of Lunacy. Heroes are fantasy, even in the metaverse.
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