Congrats to the Happy Couple
Drew Peterson, who is still technically married to his missing fourth wife Stacy, is now engaged to a 23-year-old woman.
Feel good stories are hard to come by and I'm so glad that this young lady could look beyond Drew being under scrutiny in the death of his third wife and the fact that his current wife is still missing. Instead, the newly-engaged lass has looked deeper....to the father and funny man with the swarthy good looks of a Chicago-style Sasquatch.
I wish them joy and happiness and hope the fifth suffers a better fate than the third and fourth.
Bah Bah Blago
How far reaching this latest politico-bullshit will be is the real question.
Is it too late to just scrap the whole lot of 'em and put D. Rose on a throne? The kid can do it all and he's local and has the kind of mass appeal we like to see. He certainly couldn't do any worse than the string of buffoons the state of Illinois has provided in the modern era.
Fry, part the first
Chicken. Chicken thighs to be exakt. I like thighs.
I cut the chicken parts into pieces parts, cutting against the grain (some people don't think this is necessary, I think they should fuck off). Tossed the parts up with some salt, then marinated in a mix of miso paste and sake.
The vegetable oil was heated to about 340 degrees. When the parts were done swimming in marinade for a bit, they got dipped in soy sauce and dusted with corn starch (you could use potato starch, which will get a more typically Asian fry, but I didn't do that because I didn't). Then the frying commenced. Three to five minutes per part.
The accompanying zucchini rings are just zucchini cored and sliced into rings and fried for the briefest time. Just to get them tender.
The results were really tender and had damn good taste. I didn't even bother with sauce, though I wouldn't stop you if you went that route.

The Moon and Jupiter
That really bright object near the moon tonight is Jupiter. Venus, which is even brighter as seen from Earth than Jupiter, will be climbing up toward Jupiter all month, reaching conjunction on 11/30 or 12/1 depending on where you are. Right now, Venus is near the horizon but will be close to Jupiter toward the end of the month.
Hopefully you were looking up for some earthshine on Halloween as well.
This is nice consolation for a bright moon during the mid-November Leonids this year.
There is an awesome combo bag of Spree, Sweetart, Sweetart Chews and Bit-O-Honey. I removed all of the Bit-O-Honey. I don't want any chilluns gettin' hurt on the Bit-O-Honey, ya know?
Here's a few family shots:

Some Kind of Soup
NY Times link.
They call it a Provençal Potato “Bouillabaisse”, or a “poor man’s bouillabaisse.” Given that one of the ingredients is "a generous pinch of saffron threads," I'm not sure that it's a poor man's anything. Unless, of course, this is the political version of a poor man which means you probably make a paltry $121,000 a year or some shite. Poor bastard.
Anywho, it still rocks the pots with piles of onion, leek, potato, tomato and such. Really doesn't take much effort, but looks good and tastes good. If you go so far as to do the poached egg finish, you will impress some ham-handed kitchen noob and anyone that really likes eggs.
I'm happy to say that it might even be better on heating the next day (though, obviously, not the poached egg bit, which is best freshly poached). Served with some really good bread from the local fella down the street.
Polls say what?
Who the fuck are you people?
This isn't even a partisan issue. Pay attention.
Maybe we can just assume those people are getting something out of it. Wink, wink.
Diwali - Find a place to do it
Suggestions for Chicagoans here and here.
I'm pretty sure something will be happening near Devon Ave. Just park a few blocks away and walk or cab over there.
I like this fellow's description of his Devon Ave experience. Read it all, it reeks of Devon. Here's an excerpt:
I knew we were on Devon Avenue even before I had had a chance to read the
road sign. I knew when I saw the festive store signs, in everything from Arabic
to Gujrati lettering, advertising everything from halal meat to electronics to
luggage to fish. I knew when I saw the colorful stores with hot pink sarees,
neon yellow salwaars and bright purple skirts. I knew when I saw the familiar
throng of people in pyjamas and prayer hats strolling down the street. I knew
when I saw the paan shop and little groups of people idling around outside the
store on a weekday. I knew right then I was in Mera Hindustan. Ahem. That is,
Little India. Or Litte Pakistan. Or Little Bangladesh.
On a side note, I'm pretty sure this add doesn't say what it meant to.

Scotch Tape = X Rays
OK, so people already determined this (Russians are still people right?), but now it's like totally more known than before.
All you need is some tape and a vacuum. Not a hoover, but a space where the pressure is less than standard atmospheric pressure. Then you can make electrons jump and get caught in sticky stuff. Voila. X-rays.
Pure as the Yellow Snow
They came up with the stunning results that bottled water isn't really much more pure than tap water. I'm shocked. Simply shocked. Shocked.
This is the best part of the story (as reported by Yahoo):
An industry group branded the findings "alarmist." Joe Doss, president of
the International Bottled Water Association, said the study is based on the
faulty premise that a contaminant is a health concern "even if it does not
exceed the established regulatory limit or no standard has been set."
When the bottled water jerks are selling you your own municipal water, just remember that "pure" means no health concerns. Any belief otherwise is your issue. You didn't really think water was clean did you? Come on. We're just talking about a little chemical leaching, some caffeine and some manure. That will be $3.50, please.
Monetizing Your Consumption
The TEEB report tries to put a value on "ecosystem services" that are provided by nature (for free, if you will) and will have to be replaced as those services are lost. Things such as air and water purification, fisheries, timber, etc. As biodiversity declines and ecosystems are depleted, we have to spend to produce the same services previously provided by nature. Costs could be from reforestation, farming foods once naturally available, or building reservoirs.
The BBC article quotes study leader Pavan Sukhdev as saying "the reality is that at today's rate we are losing natural capital at least between $2-$5 trillion every year." The first phase of the study was completed in May and determined that forest decline could be costing somewhere in the area of 7% of global GDP.
The thinking is that by couching the problem in terms of financial cost, the issues move from an argument about the inherent value of "nature" and towards a practical view of what the real cost is. The financial strains will impact everyone, whether you find fluffy bunnies and towering redwood trees special or not.
See PDF of the interim report here.
Just More Hot Air?
It comes up every so often in the Great Lakes states. There is a little item in the Chicago Tribune (Section 1, Page 33 - I can't find a corresponding online article) about the pros and cons of wind farms in Lake Michigan. Offshore wind farms are not uncommon in Europe, but have not been put to use much in my backyard.
Wind speeds of above 14.3 mph when measured at approximately 500 feet above the surface (the Trib article sourced info from Michigan State University and the American Wind Energy Association) are able to generate electricity. This would certainly be the case out on Lake Michigan.
Nevertheless, no matter how often someone completes a cost analysis, a study or makes a passionate plea for wind power, it doesn't seem to get anywhere.
I want someone to design a combo satellite dish/wind turbine unit for individual houses. Don't look at me like that. The dishes are ubiquitous already. How much worse could it look. A penny saved is a penny earned.
Last year during the GreenBuild convention, there was talk of making Chicago skyscrapers more energy efficient. Sears Tower topped by wind turbines? Crazy you say? Chicago architect Adrian Smith is thinking just that as described in a recent Building article.
It also seems that Radial Wind is looking to do something with the Great Lakes. Check them out.
A Rat in the Kitchen?
Republican Tony Peraica has used an image of "Top Chef" winner and everyone's favorite TV chef, Stephanie Izard on a logo for a local access show called "What's COOKin' with the Republicans!"
Who cares what the show is for. The important thing is that Izard, a registered Democrat, did not authorize the use of her image. Tony, in a response that is certainly typical, claims he had no idea who the image was of, who Izard is or what the show "Top Chef" is. This is possible, though unlikely, given the amount of local exposure Izard got during the filming of her season of "Top Chef" in Chicago, her subsequent win, and her well-known restaurant in Bucktown prior to ever showing up on "Top Chef".
The show's producer, Dan Schmidt, designed the logo and even though he watched the Chicago season of "Top Chef", claims he didn't recognize Izard's image. This is a month or so after Peraica's boys used an image of well-known prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald in a campaign flier, which Fitzgerald subsequently requested not be used as it appeared like he was giving an endorsement.
Chicagoist has a side-by-side of the logo and a "Top Chef" promo photo.
Way to go!
A Little Slice of Bullshit
MMA was the savior of brutal sport fans everywhere. The days of watching tapes of people like Ken Shamrock were over as the variations on ultimate fighting exploded across the television landscape. Fans were overjoyed. This was the real deal.
Enter Kimbo Slice....and right back out again. Fourteen seconds of glorious action. Kimbo, the baddest man alive, felled by a journeyman 30 pounds lighter and 2 inches shorter. By a man, Seth Petruzelli, that was such a nonentity in the sport, he was scheduled to be on the non-televised undercard until 44-year old Ken Shamrock (who hadn't won himself in four years) was scratched after cutting his eye in training Saturday.
Made for TV, but maybe not for MMA. Just don't suggest that to Kimbo or his crew, who got paid an undisclosed bonus for accepting the new "challenge" so late in the game. You can't blame them for taking the money.
Only in America!
These Cats Were Not LOLing
Anyway, the five-year battle to let the cats continue their roaming has finally ended.
The US Dept of Agriculture had threatened to fine the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum $200 per cat, per day. That's a lot of scratch. The USDA finally relented on advice from an animal behaviorist, but not until after the Museum spent about $250,000 on lawyers and a special fence for the property.
I'm super glad that the cats didn't take over Key West and start their own republic. Now if only the USDA would like to take an interest in the 1000s of feral cats roaming the alleys of Chicago. Perhaps the normal five-toed variety aren't threatening enough.
Palin Syrah
You could even pronounce it correctly and avoid all confusion.
It's allegedly named after a hockey puck. Who even knew there was a name for a Chilean hockey puck?
His Handicap is Mental
This is fairly typical activity, but with the abundance of shutter bugs and cam phones, this kind of activity is hard to ignore. If the student had filed a complaint and there was no picture, nothing further would have happened. The Office of Professional Review has opened an investigation, but that will likely result in no disciplinary action.
There is always a debate from the officers and their supports that on duty personnel don't follow the laws as they may have to hasten away for an emergency. I can almost get behind that. The problem is the behavior is rampant and (as in this case) flagrant and unnecessary. It is also annoying to citizens who get hassled by these same officers. Not just ticketed for violations, but verbally harassed.
There are good officers, no doubt. However, anyone with a pair of working eyes has been witness to the liberties being taken. I don't need to hear about all the wonderful officers. I know they are out there doing what they can. It only takes a few rats to sink the ship and if you don't think the rats are there, you are ignoring the evidence.
These are the little things, but also evidence of an overarching systemic problem. Nothing about this adds to my sense of security.
Elephants On Parade: Death Edition
OK, that's not super unusual. Granted, it's not an everyday occurrence, but we've all seen rampaging elephant footage over the years.
The real head scratching comes when it is reported that the elephant's body has disappeared. Cover up of animal abuse? Aliens changing their M.O. from the usual cow grabbing? Government conspiracy? Zombie Elephant? Yes, I think that sounds right. Zombie Elephant. Watch the fuck out over there, chilango.
Sorting out Chicago's Backrooming - Cloutwiki!
This site is designed to provide basic information
on the political history and background of Chicago's political leaders. The
information gathered here is all publicly available, we have only compiled it in
one place. We've made a special effort to demonstrate the relationships and
connections between leaders.
Much of the work herein is a
extension of David K. Fremon's Chicago Politics: Ward by Ward, an unparalleled
snapshot of 1980's Chicago politics.
There are still loopholes for determined fundraisers. Money can go to political groups, which can then funnel it back to state officials and there are no restrictions on donations to lawmakers, who are influential in the contract process. The bill focused on donations to state officials that dole out the contracts (Gov, Lt Gov, AG, Sec of State, Treasurer, Comptroller).
A Senate committee immediately advanced a bill that would address the Governor's proposals, but did not Blago's late additions prevent this tiny first step from going forward.
EPA looks at perchlorate
Same old story here. Don't worry, you can always buy your public water from Pepsico or some other bottler who will take it from your public supply and clean it for you. At least, clean enough that they still have a healthy profit margin. At least something will be healthy.
More importantly, the EPA's assistant administrator for water is named Ben Grumbles. Grumbles is on the case, so if your babies don't develop properly, you know it isn't from perchlorate in the water. You probably shouldn't have had that last hit of crack, but I don't blame you. Any comfort in a storm on that grim day when they repo'd your car and you couldn't pay your mortgage.
Remember to vote this coming November! Or earlier if you can. Some campaigners are annoyed that you can vote early. It's possible that their carefully planned barrage of politico-bullshit won't be able to snow you as bad if you go early. The man on the radio this morning worried that if you vote now, you might think the economy and the mortgage crisis is the main issue. I know you better than that, so grab a bottle of water and get to the booth!
View from the Top
Chicago tops the surveyed group (estimated to be approximately 60% of all green roof industry activity) in square feet planted in 2007 at 517,633.
The city is nice enough to offer this guide to rooftop gardening.
Barry Plays the Heavy
Blago also announced on Thursday that he would call the General Assembly into special session today to deal with ethics reform. He, of course, wants his changes to the ethics bill to be considered. Fat chance, I think.
Jones was at a Senate Democratic fund raiser on Wednesday night and declined to discuss the matter of Obama's phone call. He was conveniently busy fundraising and didn't feel like talking about ethics.
The one lingering question I have is whether the gang will make a definitive statement about the 15-day period that Jones and cronies had to vote on the bill until the bill died (whether that be 15-days from delivery, or 15-days from the first Senate meeting following, or what defines delivery, etc). They will probably let the ambiguity linger until it comes up again and they need to delay some other bill seeking to reign in politicians greed. Perhaps that one won't result in a call from someone running for President and the shenanigans can go on unabated.
Think, Plan, Do
Chicago would like to host the Olympics in 2016. They think Chicago2016 is a good web address. Chicago2016.org is super duper and they love it.
The problem city officials see is that some joker already controls Chicago2016.com and they don't like that. The joker in question, an NU grad student (Go Cats!), has some designs of his own. He claims to want to foster debate about the Olympic bid (though he also registered Tokyo2016...and a total of 40 combinations of city names and years). Officials are seeking to gain control of Chicago2016.com through an arbitration organization. The student has gone to US District Court in Chicago to stop the arbitration proceedings and protect his claim.
A spokesperson for Chicago 2016, a trademarked name, claims that "the domain name is rightfully" theirs and is the "natural domain" for their site. I think, if that was so, those officials should have done something about it a long time ago. Either way, this should be interesting. Classic little pink house standing in the way of the freeway.
You Can Have Wings, But Not While Drinking
Like most profit driven organizations, the top US beer makers have been searching for something to boost sales. Recent growth trends for their core market have not been good. Now you see the clamato bud, the lime flavored beers, and the low carb beers. The big producers are also dipping into craft brews and flavored malt beverages.
Of course, all the concerned parties are fretting over the youngsters and the abusive drinkers. Dear me, please think of the chilluns! They note that caffeine laced alcohol tends to result in massive benders and drunk kiddies. These attorneys general also claim that the marketing is targeted toward younger drinkers. Anheuser-Busch decided to cut the extra boost out of its products. I'm not really sure there is a reason to sell it anymore, but hey, they can figure that out for themselves. MillerCoors doesn't appear to be willing to give up the goat. I don't think they should. I happen to like those drinks. I also like the ads because like most men, I'm a juvenile at heart. The advertising is targeted to me and my low-brow, beer swilling cohorts.
There are no real studies on these products and the attorneys general, as usual, are swinging wildly and hoping to land something that will be seen as a glorious step forward for society. I don't know that they realize that the drinking age is 21 and the mechanism is in place already to prevent the kids from overindulging. I also don't think they realize that the kids can still buy the components separately and if they want a beer and red bull mix or a vodka and red bull, they are damn well gonna have one. Not to mention that MillerCoors' entrant in the market, Sparks, makes up 1% of their production last year. One percent.
Here's a tip. Alcohol is not evil. Being drunk is not evil. Being drunk at 18 is not the first horrid step toward a life in the gutter blowing degenerates for enough money to buy some crank. Suing MillerCoors, if they choose to produce a legal product, is not a good way to spend the peoples' money and is a waste of court time.
Yes, there are negatives in life. Some people have addiction problems. Some people abuse their liver until it doesn't function correctly. Some people drive into things and kill people while intoxicated. The populace is an abusive lot and they tend to make shitty decisions. We will never be able to legislate them into doe-eyed compliance and state enforced happiness. At least not in the world I want to live in.
These AGs and their backers can take their self-righteous bullshit and shove it. Put your efforts into something more constructive. The jails are stacked and I doubt we would have saved any of them had they just not been exposed to Sparks early in life.
Can I Get an FU!
Oddly enough, someone thought there should be some ethics legislation. Who'd a thunk it?
The ethics bill (good old House Bill 824) would ban people and business that have a minimum of $50,000 of contracts with the state from making campaign contributions to state officials that decide who gets state contracts. The Guv'na made some changes to the bill, extending the ban to lawmakers and party leaders, prohibiting lawmakers from holding other government jobs while in the General Assembly (double-dipping) and, best of all, changing the voting for pay raises such that a "yes" vote supports a pay raise (where currently a "no" vote supports a pay raise). The Guv'na sat on this for a bit while he generated some contributions but when it finally got in front of the Illinois House, the revised bill was voted down 110-3.
Now comes our pal, Emil Jones Jr. The Illinois Senate needs to shoot down the Guv'na's new version of the bill now, or the whole thing dies. Jones is our venerable Illinois Senate President and will preside over things with his usual majesty.
The Senate has 15 days to vote. Jones will not be reconvening the Senate until November 12. The Jones camp thinks they have 15 days from the next Senate meeting. [more on this below] There is also the matter of construction financing and budget issues that aren't going to be discussed until the fat cats get themselves back in session.
I won't debate whether Blago's ideas were bad, they seem to have some merit (though more in a you backstab me, I'll backstab you sorta way), but the end result is decent. He did overload the bill, making his version unlikely to get votes (and stalling the process yet again). Some Reps are correct in their clamoring that they are the legislators and the Governor isn't (everyone wants their say).
Yet....I'm pissed at these knob polishers as usual. I'm pissed that this will end up in the shitter eventually. These guys would fuck up a free beer because they were too busy hustling bj's in the bathroom for 2 beers a go. Greedy, selfish and shameless.
The Veto Procedure:
You can read it all in the Constitution of the State of IL in Section 9 "Veto Procedure".
If you read this like I do, Jones and Company are missing the window (as the House has delivered the bill). However, there are more than a few that agree with the Senate's interpretation that the bill isn't officially delivered until it is read into record. There is a nice recap of the issue here. Either way, this is just further mucking up the works and ensuring that business as usual continues. Congratulations, assholes.(c) The house to which a bill is returned shall immediately enter the Governor's objections upon its journal.If within 15 calendar days after such entry that house by a record vote of three-fifths of the members elected passes the bill, it shall be delivered immediately to the second house.If within 15 calendar days after such delivery the second house by a record vote of three-fifths of the members elected passes the bill, it shall become law.
Rapid Fire Political News
I don't even feel like getting in all up in a tizzy about this stuff today, so I'll just drop some quick hitters.
Cook County workers have the option to check a box and select a charity from a list to donate a portion of their paycheck to. However, it seems that the County actually takes a 3% skim off that donation and hides it away in its own charitable fund, the Cook County Charity Fund. I'm not really going to lay this at Stroger's feet even though he sent out the letter encouraging workers to participate. The 3% skim is noted in the fine print of the payroll deduction form and has been in existence since 1989. It's just another example of business as usual. The Man will assure you that nothing untoward has happened and no attempts have been made to obfuscate; however, when you are doing the same thing as the unscrupulous car salesmen and mass marketing scam artists, you have to consider that you aren't much better.
Believe it or not, Emil Jones also gets a mention today. Yes, the man also called Obama's political mentor. He was accused of calling Delmarie Cobb, a black woman and a Clinton delegate, an "Uncle Tom" on Sunday. There were witnesses, but defenders claim the comment was in jest and misconstrued. Same old, same old. I'm sure Obama is happy about this turn of events.
In more Obama news, running mate Joe Biden's links to Tony Rezko are getting more attention. Biden has a relationship with attorney Joseph Cari Jr., who served as Midwest field director for Biden's failed 1988 presidential election bid and also was a confidant of Biden while Biden contemplated a 2008 run. Cari is a long-time friend of Biden and, among other things, was the DNC National Finance Chairman (1993-94) and the Finance Chair of the US Senate Democratic Campaign Committee in 1995. Cari also admitted to being part of an $850,000 kickback scam that is allegedly part of a larger fund raising operation for Gov'na Blago and overseen by Rezko.
Happy Monday! Rejoice in the wonders of humanity.
And So It Goes
The Trib quoted Emil Jones Jr as saying, "He's well qualified for the position. As the constitution says, 21 years old, resident, must reside in the district. All the other things are extra, and he has all the tools necessary. He knows the process."
He also added that his son has been schooled in IL politics since he was a child and showed a picture of Jones III attending a Senate committee hearing as a boy.
None of this is comforting. All the other things are extra? Is this really how we want to think about governing?
He's breathing and he fits the minimum qualifications. But wait, there's more! His father is a standout "Chicago" politician. That's right folks, he knows how to "play the game". Young Emil has learned at the seat of The Man.
You can go fuck yourselves. It seems your fucking of the citizens is done for the day.
Who's da Mastah
The man was all over TV. Carry made appearances in everthing from Hill Street Blues and Benson to The Hughleys and The Unit (see the full list at IMDB). He was also a principal on a short lived show called "Doctor Doctor" from 1989-91.
Carry was the greatest kung-fu thug ever - Sho'nuff, The Shogun of Harlem.
Busta Rhymes even tossed him a little tribute in this video for "Dangerous".
And remember kids....direct-a yo feets-a to Daddy Green's Pizza.
More of the same in IL Politics
Jones officially announced his retirement on Monday.
Jones wants his son, Emil Jones III, to replace him.
Sound familiar?
It is up to the Democratic committeemen to decide who replaces Jones on the November 4th ballot as the Democratic candidate. Let's face it, that spot for the 14 District Chicago seat is owned by the Democrats unless something dire happens, so this amounts to a royal appointment.
Jones would have great impact as to how that selection gets made even without a vote.
The primary is long gone and the timing of this move leaves other potential candidates in the lurch. Perhaps a stronger Republican would have tossed his or her hat in the ring if Jones was never going to be on the ballot. Perhaps a Democrat would have chosen to run in the primary. Perhaps the winner of the primary would actually be representing the Democratic voters in the Nov. 4 election.
Jones has a history. Don't we all. Let's review....
Emil Jones III was granted an administrator-level state gig as a regional manager at the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity with an annual pull of almost $60,000. He has no college degree. That's making the most of opportunity.
Jones advocated a 7.5% pay raise for himself and his senate pals. This comes after the July 1 cost-of-living increase of 3.8% they were granted. Said Jones, "I need a pay raise. I need a pay raise." Two years ago Jones didn't allow a vote to reject pay raises until after the election, at which time Jones and Co. defeated a move to reject pay raises. I guess he'll have to settle for his state pension.
Jones will be eligible for over $500,000 of the $1.6 million of his campaign funds to be converted to personal use, if taxes are paid, according to a state law enacted in 1998.
Jones blocked mandatory disclosure of subcontracts while his stepson's firm was the beneficiary of
state contracts.
Jones supported ComEd rate hikes last year while other politicians took contributions from utilities during the negotiations.
Jones' office received a federal subpoena in 2003 alleging that his state staff performed campaign work on state time.
This is how it's done people. Don't turn your back on them and check your pockets when you walk away. I won't claim the man never did a lick of good, but let's keep our eye on the till here.
The State of Illinois is facing serious financial turmoil and a rat's nest of inefficiency. These fuckers are the problem, not the solution.
Fatburger is Coming
The name says it all, not that it's much worse than some other joints. I suppose we should be grateful for their candor.
Let's take a look:
Fatburger: 520 calories, 270 fat calories, 29 g of fat (11 g saturated), 90 mg cholesterol, 880 mg sodium, 32 g carbs, 7 g fiber, 3 g sugar, 30 g protein
Fat Fries: 550 calories, 240 fat calories, 26 g fat (4.5 g saturated), 0 mg cholesterol (thanks for the cholesterol free oil), 75 mg sodium, 72 g carbs, 8 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 8 g protein
They do offer Skinny Fries, which have 60 less calories, but 840 mg of sodium. I can only assume the 75 mg for the Fat Fries is a misprint.
Fatburger uses "100% pure lean beef", so that's something, and they make to order (no heat lamps, thank you).
Lest you want to go the turkey or veggie route:
Turkeyburger: 550 calories, 280 fat calories, 31 g fat (8 g saturated), 130 mg cholesterol, 900 mg sodium, 38 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 2 g sugar, 30 g protein
Veggieburger: 430 calories, 110 fat calories, 12 g fat (3.5 g saturated), 15 mg cholesterol, 1180 mg sodium, 45 g carbs, 12 g fiber, 8 g sugar, 35 g protein
This doesn't even count bacon or cheese and it isn't clear what is assumed for other toppings and condiments. The Grilled Chicken competes with the Veggieburger on fat calories. The trade off is high sodium and fiber ( for the veggie) vs higher cholesterol and less sodium (for the chicken). The chicken packs "only" 740 mg of sodium for its 360 calories. The hot dog only has 380 calories, but sneaks in 200 fat calories and 990 mg of sodium.
The Kingburger and Sausage and Egg Sandwich are hardly worth discussing. If you choose those options, you don't really want to know what the stats are. The Fat Salad Wedge is just a lettuce wedge with diced bacon, tomatoes and dressing and comes in at 70 calories. I'm betting nobody is eating that. Maybe with a side of chili or some onion rings.
According to the menu, Great Addons include bacon, egg, chili and cheese. I'm wondering if I can get bacon, egg and cheese on the Kingburger with the 1/2 pound of beef. Chili would just make it hard to eat.
I bet the shakes are good, but ranging from 700-880 calories each, I'm not sure where I would put that. Maybe my ass. I've been sitting alot at work and I could use some extra cushion.
Happy munching Orland Parkers.
Diamonds on the Soles of My Shoes?
Hey, I get it. Life's a hassle. Pets are a pain. Poop is poopy. Walking is tiresome.
Fortunately, putting pictures on the web isn't very difficult.
Welcome to the interzone, my scofflaw pal!
Let's review the evidence:

Cheers to you. You managed to have your dog off-leash, leave feces in the park where we like to cavort, and you parked in a no parking zone because, in order to do all this wonderful stuff, you actually drove your pudgy little dog to the freakin' park. Can't blame you. Wouldn't want dog shit in my yard either.
No friend of ours
Off to work in the morning these days I feel like a shylock on the way to see what's taking that guy so long. I'm hot, don't have the tie on yet, shirt open at the chest, cuffs undone, suit jacket over the shoulder....angry.
The lengths I go to avoid breaking a sweat. It'll spoil me for the day.
Stroger Watch
Chicago already has the highest sales tax rate in the nation because Todd's expertise couldn't figure out how to reduce expense while simultaneously adding loads of new employees and still act like the traditional fat cat. All the while his friends and relations muddle through the days playing governemnt under his "tutelage".
Now a Trib report (of a Sun Times report, no less) tells us of the ill-fated Cook County magazine. A magazine that cost $24,999 because $25,000 requires approval from the county board. A magazine that was so poorly produced that it is "riddled with misspellings and other errors". A Frankenstein monster of a magazine that is so hideous and humiliating to it's creators that the 5,000 copies are stuffed away in the halls of government, never to be distributed.
I don't think this is what Todd had in mind when the magazine was commissioned to create a "non-threatening news environment that ensures regular, positive press -- to counter-balance negative press often found in the mainstream media."
We love you, Todd. Just not in that way. Stop fucking up my world with your bullshit.7.28.2008
But It's On TV
Never fear. NASA TV is going to stream a live webcast from 6am-8:15am EDT. The totality (the period of total eclipse) will occur from 7:08-7:10am EDT. The NASA webcast will continue until 11am as part of the Sun-Earth Day Celebration.
All you goofy folks can go to Exploratorium Island on some thing called Second Life to catch the live video stream.
According to Ben Stein's opinion of Obama in the Metrodome, "Seventy-five-thousand people at an outdoor sports palace, well, that's something the Fuhrer would have done."
Well, first of all, the Metrodome is not a god damned palace. It is damned, but it ain't no palace. Secondly, can't we go with something better than Hitler? I mean, that has to be a joke, right? It is for every other adult with an internet connection. Isn't it?
Stein, " It's like Juan Peron." OK, that's better.
To quote the scarily cool Nancy Botwin, "What the F?"
How stupid are we? Why do these people still get to spew this nonsense to the public? OK, you don't like the guy. I can see that. Nobody is perfect. McCain has issues. We know the "Mc" in a surname means "son of" and Cain was the first murder, so.....
But is a speech in the M'Dome really as "scarily authoritarian" as anything else that's been going on lately?
I would rather hear Stein prattle on about Intelligent Design. I think Hitler would like that too.
Damn. Did I just lose my own fucking post?
Oh, well. Remember when Strom had that record long filibuster back in '57? Do you think he knew he would be in office until he was 100 years of age? That's the kind of thing that lets you know things are running smoothly.
Does a Bear Shit in a Mine?
After ganking the two men (security guards for the mining company), the bears camped the location. Nearly 400 workers are refusing to go back to work until someone clears the area of these ursine bullies.
We Do It Because We Care
To you sirs, I say, shove that valid license key up your ass.

Steaming My Buns
I used the bones of a recipe from Chowtimes.com for the dough. I cut the recipe in half and used the basic recipe, though with water, coconut milk, and butter in leiu of milk and margarine and ditched the egg entirely. Simple stuff. Mix it up, then knead into a smooth ball and let it sit, covered.

Meanwhile, I mushed up some ground pork, red cabbage, and spring onion with sesame oil, soy, pepper, salt, a pinch of sugar, curry powder and a touch of smoky bbq sauce and let that stew in it's own uncooked juices while waiting for the dough.
When the dough ball was ready to go, I followed the Chowtimes plan and rolled it out into a longish log, then cut the log into pieces. I got about 9 out of it, if I recall correctly. These small pieces are then rolled into rounds, thicker in the middle. I dropped some filling in the middle of each and pinched them up....or stuffed 'em, or zipped 'em shut...something. I'm not sure what happened. It was inelegant and the buns were not uniform in size or shape. Who cares? I was starting to faint from hunger and knew it was going to be a while yet. Plus, the dog was looking at me sternly and threatening to piss the floor.
I moistened those buns and dabbed them in some sesame seed, then put those bad girls in the steamer on a tiny scrap of parchment paper. They took another 30 minutes to rise while the dog and I lounged outside.After steaming, I can say those buns were really tasty. I will do this again. Probably try the half steam, half fry version to get a crispy outside. I also want to do the soup buns. Primarily so I can say "aspic" repeatedly. Say it with me...assssspiK.
Don't judge my lumpy looking buns, they are soft, warm and tasty. You like big buns and you cannot lie. And I know you wan't some of that hot sauce on one of my buns.

The Birds - Duck!
Though there have been quite a few survivors, I can only warn them about drunk flying so many times.
Anyway, my real point was that the usual culprits took a back seat today to a male Common Yellow-Shafted Flicker. An ant-eating woodpecker, this flicker is fairly large (especially for crashing into windows) and strikingly attractive.
Maybe he's just napping.
Deeper Down the Hole
I know they barely do anything beyond dressing up an AP item (if that), but is this really the best they have to offer? A Trib reporter couldn't get in touch with the web-site owner for Obama's Chocolate Nuts? If they start linking to ESPN.com for Cubs news, I'll know the jig is up for sure.

You Lazy Sons of Bitches
I suppose you can guess that I prefer the Tribune. It's not solely due to their ownership of the Cubs, I just think they do a better job....or do they?
In my DayWatch daily email from the Trib, I was helpfully directed to the Sun Times. Are you fucking kidding me?
Not only that, but apparently The Onion stories are major news. It's small wonder these folks are still making a living at this.
Red Ass Pickles
The best thing about these is that they are stupidly easy to make. I let my dog make this first batch. She's no whiz in the kitchen, but she did a bang up job here. I don't even like pickles enough to have tried this (neither does the dog, thank god, or they never would have made it back into the jar), but I did it out of spite for all the odd food hating people out there who might gag thinking about it. Strangely, I really enjoyed these.
Alton Brown's recipe here, which is straight from the Mississippi Delta as part of his "Feasting on Asphalt" show.

So Long
Yiet Yang was the oldest of only 136 snow leopards living in accredited zoos in North America. At 19 years of age, this cool cat suffered from chronic renal failure and a worsening lameness in her rear legs. Yiet was having trouble standing (and even keeping any balance) and had declined to such a state that the zoo felt the most compassionate thing for the animal was to euthanize her.
Yiet had spent almost all of her 19 years at LPZ (beyond the 15-year average life span of a wild snow leopard), having come to Chicago within a year of her birth in San Francisco. Whether you like zoos or not, this animal was a spectacular cat to see and always maintained the cool, edgy attitude of a wild cat.
I don't ever feel truly comfortable with zoos, but when they are well run and the habitats are given due consideration, the attempt at preservation and understanding does have some merit. Sadly, there are a lot of geriatrics at the LPZ lion house, including the black leopard, Marta, who will soon turn 19 as well. I'll have to get out and see how she's doing. It'll also give me a chance to view the wild roaming herds of asinine people.