What do you do when you have a spare minute (and not much more) to spend in SL and you aren't sure how to occupy it? I know some folks love shopping, gambling, chatting and all manner of passtimes. I like to wander around. To see what is to be seen. One day it could be completely random TPing. Another day it could be an event picked from the Search tool. In this instance, I was typing things in the Search - Places field and checking out the top results of whatever term I used. In a peckish mood, I had gone with the very simple word "dark".
Running down the list of results, I saw a few sex clubs, some malls, Necrotica Isle (Goth/Vamp sim that I spent an enjoyable few moments nosing around in, but which is not the subject of this entry), the Dark Life RPG, and a goth club. What caught my eye was Faded Lotus Extreme Roleplaying. The descriptive blurb was eyepopping to say the least.
"BDSM Dungeons, Hard-Core, Dark, Bloody, Snuff, 'Dolcett' styled Dungeon with an evil Medical Center!"The accompanying picture was even more bold - a head shot of an attractive, clean-faced avatar sporting shortish, pink hair and in what appears to be a provocative, but painful pose.
The BDSM scene is not generally my cup of tea, but I never let that stop me. These people were bound to be interesting. The TP landed me in an enclosed box with warnings galore regarding the gore. The owner was taking no chance that you stumble into this location unaware of what awaits you. I'm sure this was as much for their benefit as for mine. A notecard informed me that the owner, Coventina Mendicant, and her Family invite visitors to explore their darker sides on this land, but to be aware of what that includes and to consider leaving if you are not ready for the very mature and potentially disturbing content. The note comes with a handy observer title, which I donned, and set off to explore.
I can say that, visually, the build fit the theme and seemed to have everything it was claiming, including shopping just a TP away (located above the madness). I walked out to a circle of chairs and kneeling pads, complete with the requisite pose balls, a note board (yes, I left a little note) and the TP to the previously mentioned shopping. Walking along the length of the location, a person can visit an oriental tea garden, get electrocuted between two VanDerGraff generators, hang out in a Kennel, play in a sandbox, go to the medical office, the butcher, the restaurant, the barn and vet, and the local bar. You'll have to go visit to find out just what goes on in these places, but I'll tell you it is creative and you may not like it.
There were not many people about at 5am SL time on a Sunday, but what few were around treated me perfectly cordially and, I expect, were a little reluctant to go about their normal business with a nosy visitor poking about. I finished off the visit by buying a spit in the shopping area and spending a moment in the serenity of the garden.

Mychelle Foley here, wow i should surf the web more, i am amazed to find somany people mentioning Faded Lotus, we have moved and done anouther update, if you wanna come look give me a hollar and ill help you out!
Thanks for the Review!
FL Managment
I'll have to check it out. Thank you.
Faded Lotus is not anymore located in Kot, instead its now in Trollhaugen, and.. its better than before!
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