
No Arms, No Legs, Hanging on a Wall

My SL travels landed me at an art exhibit last night after an exhaustive search of my 201 event options in the search menu. I never have high hopes for these things, so I dragged along a pal - misery loves company. The outing was more than pleasantly surprisining.

After a brief disorientation period following a TP to the location, The Bluffs Center for the Arts, we located the exhibit, which turned out to be an "art walk" following a winding, tree-lined path with the exhibited art at stations along the way. Additionally, there was a small sculpture garden. The unique sculptures were the artist's visual representation of various songs, lyrics of which were given in notecards at each installation.

All-in-all, it was a good trip. The art was quality work and the location was pleasantly done. I have to commend both the artist, DeltaDharmaDawn Aubret, and the Bluffs' onsite manager, Anhinga Chaika, for their hospitality and congenial nature.

On a humorous note, my compadre, the World Famous Designer kaia Ennui, serving in her role as art patron of SL, bought one of the artists wonderful works. In an "only in SL" moment, Ms. Ennui managed to purchase the original object instead of a copy. After patiently hearing my pleas to abscond with it and leave a stick figure work in its place, kaia IM'd the artist and managed to sort it all out with little fuss.

If you have a bored moment, go check out The Bluffs and Aubret's work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice words and for Kaia's kindness in choosing not to leave the suggested 'stick figure'. Although, as you mention, a stick figure from the World Famous Designer Kaia Ennui would certainly been more than fair commensation.

Kudos to the primo Bluffs team!

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