Hopefully, people got a chance to check out the Burning Life plots. There were some amazing builds, some funny builds and some poignant commentary. It was a really nice way to exhibit some fun SL work. I would like to see more of this. The sheer scale of multiple sims of user content jammed together was impressive. Residents really came through and it was an enjoyable experience wandering through the plots. Some that particularly stood out for me were Vivianne Draper's tribute to Starax Statosky (had quite a few of his animals), Ulrika Zugzwang's outlaw build (a really cool giant ball made of tiles that formed a picture of SL faces, which morphed as the tiles changed), Ilianexsi Sojourner's Snakes on a Plot (how can you not laugh), Starling Glitterbuck's Further Bus, the Bone House by Jamma Newt. Too many to name, see all my pics here.

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