The plot, Fecund Life, was a major statement about SL and where it stands today, complete with red ban lines indicating that you couldn't actually access the plot, some Fecund Life signs, and a few trash cans labeled "Feedback Container", complete with a lid labeled "Your Comments Are Appreciated! Deposit feedback in this container". The signs and trash cans seemed to be a clear statement about the closing of the official SL forums and the general feeling about resident relations with LL at the moment. The blue box that would normally pop up upon trying to enter a no parcel plot indicates "Teh For-Umms (CLOSED, KEEP YOUR FEEDBACK TO YOURSELF)". I thought the whole thing was great and had to see it as soon as I was informed of its existence (thank you, kaia Ennui, for the heads up and the pic of Kendra's Viking Pirate Time Travel Ship!).
The signs are brilliant, having what appears to be a warped LL "hand" logo that is flipping the bird, a Fecund Life slogan - "Your Imagination, Our Profit Margin", and a notice, to wit...
Lazy Labs are committed to providing a fun, enjoyable experience for our empoyees. However, due to you, the customer, whining about 'quality', 'stability', and 'griefers', we have decided to close Teh For-Umms. We apologize for the action, but it is critical our employees only do 'fun' things, not dull stuff like bug fixes.
Please continue to feel free to leave feedback at our one-way communication mechanism, the LazL Blogs.
Now get out, ungrateful wretches. We have to work on our Tao of Lazy.Sincerely,
Pharticulary Lazy, CEO.
To make the whole thing complete, there is a cheap Lazy Lab t-shirt distributor that you can, presumably, click on for a t-shirt. Now, I'm not suggesting this was the design of this particular Burning Life plot, but my night was complete when, upon "touching" the distributor, I promptly crashed out of SL.

I think I know why you crashed - there's a bug at the moment where if you take a snapshot and then touch a touch-scripted object, you crash. Yes, it really is that simple.
Thanks, Ordinal! That explains alot. I completely missed any mention of this.
Great article! Then again I *am* a little biased *grin*, but one little point to add. If you look close at the access list for the plot, there is a small list of people that *are* allowed on the plot. These are namely those who were picked by LL for their Second Life Views meeting. There were also a few other hidden easter eggs though, I'll admit to them if you beg nicely ;)
- Newfie
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