On March 20th, The Lab announced some factoids derived from a survey distributed to developers listed in the SLDD in February. Of the 90 developers listed (a number that had doubled in the last three months), about 1/3 responded to the survey (approximately 30 for the purposes of analysis).
Though The Lab's announcement mentions that the actual data totals could be 3 times that indicated by the responses, that is speculation and not something I would be comfortable stating. I would argue that the larger and more known of the developers were more likely to respond and that a full accounting of raw data from the 90 would slue the data downward. That, of course is also speculation. The point being that absent the actual data, it is difficult to extrapolate the facts for the total population given what data is available, particularly for such a small group.
Respondents indicated that there were a total of 559 employees (average:19 median:5). Further, the largest number of employees was 175 and 3 companies listed over 50 employees. If we sum that to 275 at minimum (includes the 175 as one of the three companies with over 50, plus a min of 50 each for the other two), then three companies accounted for 49% of the employees among the survey respondents. This is fairly significant.
As one would predict, a decent percentage (24%, or 134) resided in a different country than the employer's main office (average:4 median: 0) and 47% had employees in another country than their main office. Also not surprising was the fact that 41% recruited primarily in SL and 41% in both SL and RL.
Data collected indicated that, for the companies responding, there were 380 (average:12 median:4) projects currently in the work pipeline. This equates to approximately 0.68 projects per employee. This is also predictable as data indicates that the growth in number of projects is pacing the employee growth rate and further, that the 9 largest companies have an average of 15 projects (35.5% of the pipeline for 30% of the companies) and the 17 smallest companies had an average of 4 projects. Given the size of the three largest respondents, one would expect that the projects are of a scope that requires a larger work taskforce.
Estimated Q1 2007 revenue from SL for these companies was $6.7MM (average: $161,500 median: $31,500), with a range from $45 to $2MM. As reported by LL, the largest 10 companies had revenue approximately 35x the smallest 10 companies. In keeping with the size gap, the total number of regions purchased in January and planned for February purchase were 38 and 93, respectively. However, the average was 1 Jan, 3 Feb and the median was 0 Jan, 1 Feb.
Companies can and do work, in conjunction with clients, on regions they have not directly purchased. Nevertheless, in January, LL delivered 799 regions. While the 38 regions indicated in the aforementioned data would equate to 4.76% of the total, LL would like to extrapolate it out to 114 (38 for 1/3 of the developers would blow out to 114 for all 90 developers). This would put the total at 14.3% (not the 15% indicated in The Lab's release). Given the average and median data, my comments regarding who is most likely to respond to the surverys, and the fact that so many developers have just recently joined the fold*, I won't go that far (though LL has enough information as to which large scale developers didn't respond to make a better judgement call than I can).
The upshot is that, as you would expect, a few larger companies are responsible for a hefty chunk of the developer activity. On the flip side, the ease of entry is also allowing many smaller players to get a toe in the water. Let's hope the next go around gets a better survey response and there is more data to play with.
*Listing in the Developer Directory is open to any individual or company who has completed at least two projects for hire in-world.
CK in SL
The influx of big business continues. Calvin Klein entered the fray last week. Described in an iTnews article as becoming "the first global fragrance brand to launch in the virtual world", Calvin Klein is creating a presence in SL in conjunction with CK IN2U. Promoting the new IN2U fragrances for men and women, avatars can pick up the spray and tag people with virtual "fizzing fragrance bubbles", supposedly for the "technosexuals" out in the metaverse (as described by Lori Singer, VP of Global Marketing at Calvin Klein Fragrances). The article further mentions specially modified Calvin Klein graffiti bottles available in SL and, for UK customers, a click through to the CK IN2U website were one can request a free sample.
In a nice addition, Calvin Klein is also sponsoring a photography competition and gallery of inspiring snapshots taken inworld. The lucky winner will pocket $L1,000,000 in prize money.
I'll have to actually log on and take a look. I can at least show up somewhere and spray "fizzing fragrance bubbles" on someone unsuspecting tight-ass.
In a nice addition, Calvin Klein is also sponsoring a photography competition and gallery of inspiring snapshots taken inworld. The lucky winner will pocket $L1,000,000 in prize money.
I'll have to actually log on and take a look. I can at least show up somewhere and spray "fizzing fragrance bubbles" on someone unsuspecting tight-ass.
It was horrifying, but I just kept watching
I had the TV on. I wasn't actually watching. I was blowing hot air across the Interwebz. The channel was MTV. I'm not sure why that is. MTV is not in my normal rotation. Don't get me wrong, I watch a lot of lowbrow, trash and downright bad TV. Generally, though, not MTV.
It was truly epic in it's insanity. The people are from another planet, possibly another universe. I'm not sure what they are getting out of acting like utter dipshits on national TV, but I hope it was worth it.
The shows in question were Parental Control and Wild Girls of Makos (WGOM). Both versions of the dread reality TV. In the first show, parents of a young gent have issue with his current lady and have undertaken, through the help of MTV, to find him a new one. Mom and Dad have each selected a potential new mate and they sit in a type of Green Room with the current gal and watch the dates unfold on TV. This girl proceeded to hit new levels of crass, call the Dad boring, describe the diminutive stature of Date 2 by saying "you take dumps bigger than that, [Mom's Name]", and got gum in Mom's hair. Needless to say, the young man ends the show by dumping her. Her parting shot...."Don't worry. I'll be seeing you. I've been dating half the team anyway." Superfan indeed.
WGOM follows the travails of the shot girls (the scantily clad ladies hawking trays of liquor in test tubes) at a spring break bar called Makos. We get to watch the three central characters (or caricatures?) reduce the new girls to tears, gleefully announce themselves to be bitches and force the resignation of the other poor girls who fall into their orbit. The height of cool these days is to be the biggest shit you can be and have all the world know it. Bravo ladies. It was also good to see the manager ignore workplace harassment issues as the 3 amigas reduce yet another new shot gal to tears, intentionally throw her test tube shots on the bar floor and finally fill her locker with a nasty combo of stank. Your right Mr. Manager, she should have locked that locker. It was her fault.
I wonder if this really was how all these people wanted to end up. Possibly. They are on TV and that IS the ultimate goal for the Man of the Aughts. I suppose they could have achieved infamy via a few webcam videos on /b/. What's next?
It was truly epic in it's insanity. The people are from another planet, possibly another universe. I'm not sure what they are getting out of acting like utter dipshits on national TV, but I hope it was worth it.
The shows in question were Parental Control and Wild Girls of Makos (WGOM). Both versions of the dread reality TV. In the first show, parents of a young gent have issue with his current lady and have undertaken, through the help of MTV, to find him a new one. Mom and Dad have each selected a potential new mate and they sit in a type of Green Room with the current gal and watch the dates unfold on TV. This girl proceeded to hit new levels of crass, call the Dad boring, describe the diminutive stature of Date 2 by saying "you take dumps bigger than that, [Mom's Name]", and got gum in Mom's hair. Needless to say, the young man ends the show by dumping her. Her parting shot...."Don't worry. I'll be seeing you. I've been dating half the team anyway." Superfan indeed.
WGOM follows the travails of the shot girls (the scantily clad ladies hawking trays of liquor in test tubes) at a spring break bar called Makos. We get to watch the three central characters (or caricatures?) reduce the new girls to tears, gleefully announce themselves to be bitches and force the resignation of the other poor girls who fall into their orbit. The height of cool these days is to be the biggest shit you can be and have all the world know it. Bravo ladies. It was also good to see the manager ignore workplace harassment issues as the 3 amigas reduce yet another new shot gal to tears, intentionally throw her test tube shots on the bar floor and finally fill her locker with a nasty combo of stank. Your right Mr. Manager, she should have locked that locker. It was her fault.
I wonder if this really was how all these people wanted to end up. Possibly. They are on TV and that IS the ultimate goal for the Man of the Aughts. I suppose they could have achieved infamy via a few webcam videos on /b/. What's next?
Weather Island
Took a moment to check out a sim sponsored by The Weather Channel, Weather Island, that was brought to my attention by the esteemed Katt Kongo of the Metaverse Messenger.
As corporate islands go, Weather Island is one of the more entertaining and polished looking. There is a recorded intro available at the arrival spot (as well as at least one more, further along). The first thing to notice is a number of video screens, including one giant screen, playing an episode of The Weather Channel's Epic Conditions, entitled "Big Wave Surfing". Additionally, there is a few shorts describing other Weather Channel content, including Epic Conditions "Steamboat - Skiing", 100 Biggest Weather Moments, and Abrams & Bettes - Beyond the Forecast. It would appear that the sim management would rotate some of this content if the location is maintained.
Finally, the sim offers extreme sports experiences. Providing freebie equipment at each of the areas, the sim offers a chance to bike the virtual Moab, take a run down Mt. Epic, and hit the surf.

As corporate islands go, Weather Island is one of the more entertaining and polished looking. There is a recorded intro available at the arrival spot (as well as at least one more, further along). The first thing to notice is a number of video screens, including one giant screen, playing an episode of The Weather Channel's Epic Conditions, entitled "Big Wave Surfing". Additionally, there is a few shorts describing other Weather Channel content, including Epic Conditions "Steamboat - Skiing", 100 Biggest Weather Moments, and Abrams & Bettes - Beyond the Forecast. It would appear that the sim management would rotate some of this content if the location is maintained.
Finally, the sim offers extreme sports experiences. Providing freebie equipment at each of the areas, the sim offers a chance to bike the virtual Moab, take a run down Mt. Epic, and hit the surf.

Beach, surfing.
Cool Hyundai Concept Car Hits Geneva
Hyundait Motor Company press release
Hyundai Motor Company, in conjunction with GE Plastics presented an SUV Crossover Coupe at the Geneva International Motor Show on March 6, 2007. Dubbed the QarmaQ (derivative of an Inuit word for traditional dwellings constructed from earth, whalebone and skins), the vehicle is termed by Hyundai as an Advanced Technology Demonstration Vehicle. The QarmaQ uses more than 30 environmentally progressive technologies and was designed at Hyundai Motor Europe's Design and Technical Center in Russelsheim, Germany with cooperative effort from GE Plastics. Hyundai plans to incorporate the new technologies into models rolled out from 2008-2014.
Hyundai Motor Company, in conjunction with GE Plastics presented an SUV Crossover Coupe at the Geneva International Motor Show on March 6, 2007. Dubbed the QarmaQ (derivative of an Inuit word for traditional dwellings constructed from earth, whalebone and skins), the vehicle is termed by Hyundai as an Advanced Technology Demonstration Vehicle. The QarmaQ uses more than 30 environmentally progressive technologies and was designed at Hyundai Motor Europe's Design and Technical Center in Russelsheim, Germany with cooperative effort from GE Plastics. Hyundai plans to incorporate the new technologies into models rolled out from 2008-2014.
- Fully integrated energy-absorbing structures, with panels designed to work in conjunction with the energy-absorbing systems.
- "Elastic Front" solution to help reduce risk of severe injury in pedestrian collisions, which meets various pedestrian impact requirements.
- Panoramic wrap-around glazing using GE's Lexan polycarbonate resin.
- Twin sunroof domes.
- Discrete or hidden touch activated sensors.
- Ambient lighting by Lumination, LLC.
Salient Facts:
- GE Lexan screen and use of GE polycarbonate glazing provides weight reduction of up to 50% as compared with glass.
- Exatec infrared coatings reflect heat, helping cool the interior and reduce power demands.
- 2-liter diesel engine is fully compliant with EURO5 emission regs, while a Catalyzed Particulate Filter system is capable of cleaning around 90% of the particulate matter from the emissions.
- Advanced materials result in a 60kg (132 lb) weight reduction versus a comparable vehicle made from traditional material.
- GreenOrder, an environmental strategy firm, estimated that the 60 kg weight reduction translates to approximately 80 fewer liters (21 gallons) of diesel used per year, cutting annual greenhouse gas emissions by around 200kg (441 lbs).
- If every new vehicle registred in the EU in 2006 had reduced fuel consumption by that amount, the annual savings would be more than 7.4 million barrels of diesel fuel - enough to sustain the EU diesel demand for three days.
- Result - the greenhouse gas savings would equal approximately 3.1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide.
- The body panels use an envrionmentally responsible plastic (Xenoy iQ and Valox iQ - developed by GE) that conserves energy, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and re-uses materials such as PET plastic bottles. The QarmaQ re-uses approximately 900 PET bottles.
- GE paint replacement technology (Visualfx resins with Lexan films) replace painting operations that would release toxic and greenhouse gas.
- GE's Noryl resin technology, which was used for wire and cable coating, replace PVC and reduce cable weight by up to 25%.
Some innovative new ideas, and it looks freaking cool, too.
70,000-year-old snake ritual
An article in ScientificAmerican.com details the discovery, in Africa, of what is called "the earliest evidence for ritual behavior". According to the article, carvings on a snake-shaped rock accompanied by 70,000-year-old spearheads were discovered in a cave in the Tsodilo Hills of Botswana. The location is called the Mountain of the Gods by the local people.
Pretty interesting tidbits were gleaned from the site and give insight into some very old behaviors.
Researchers were led to the location by one of the local San people (Bushmen). The guide, a local chief, led the group to a cave and a six-meter-long rock that resembled a snake, with a mouth-like aperture on one end and hundreds of notches, presumably scales, covering the length.
An archeologist from the expedition representing the University of Oslo in Norway indicated that the spearheads (nearly 100 from among 13,000 man-made objects) were found buried in the rock on the cave floor. The spearheads were similar to others found in Africa that have been dated at up to 77,000 years old. [Read more from ScientificAmerican in the post title link]Pretty interesting tidbits were gleaned from the site and give insight into some very old behaviors.
RHS Lighting System
This new lighting system, Remote Hybrid System, from Panasonic is being distributed by Hybridyne Power Systems Canada Inc. RHS is a standalone light that requires no electricity, no wiring and no underground maintainence. The systems generates its electricity via wind and solar energy. It even offers an optional web cam.
The RHS is a tad strange looking, but not in a bad way.

Panasonic Canada's headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario
The RHS is a tad strange looking, but not in a bad way.
Panasonic Canada's headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario
SL Issues
Each time I log into SL now, I am required to clear the cache, uninstall the software, shutdown, and reinstall. Mind you, this isn't 100% reliable, but it usually does the trick. It takes a serious amount of enjoyment away from using SL.
I did try the Kaneva beta. All I'll say about my experience is that I'm doing the above hoop jumping to log into SL. Draw your own conclusions.
I'm super sad about my logon issues. I can only imagine how monumentally frustrating it would be for more novice computer users.
I did try the Kaneva beta. All I'll say about my experience is that I'm doing the above hoop jumping to log into SL. Draw your own conclusions.
I'm super sad about my logon issues. I can only imagine how monumentally frustrating it would be for more novice computer users.
Things I did Last Week

An old SL friend of mine, Persephone Phoenix, built what she calls a poet's dive bar called The Blue Angel, complete with comfy chairs and crushed ciggies on the floor. I swung by to check out a poetry reading event. It was well attended and there was enough material presented to more than cover the scheduled event duration. I used to attend the regular Poetry Guild weekly event hosted by Hensonian Pennyfeather, but work commitments prevent me being home at a reasonable hour and I don't get to these any longer (nor do I get to the great trivia events at The Shelter, which I've always had fun with). The Blue Angel was more than up to the task. There was some inspiring work, some fun work and everyone was sociable.
I followed that up with a live music event featuring Spence Wilder, an artist I hadn't seen before. I was a bit skeptical of viewing a show at a casino, but Wilder was decent. The singer covered the Violent Femmes, which was a pleasant surprise.

Like, Oh My Gawd!
I was alerted to a new role play area in SL through a post at SC by Aimee Weber, who wrote up the Kindly High School scene in the Second Life Insider.
I'm not much of a RPer, but I love to check out anything new. This certainly seemed good for a lark. It was, in a way.
I arrived in an empty hallway and spun around cluelessly for a bit before finding my way out of the school building and out onto the grounds. The build is thorough and well done. You can find a good SL representation of most of all the typical HS areas: cafeteria, locker filled hallway, bathrooms, football field, classrooms, parking lot and a nice front steps complete with statue.
There wasn't a whole lot going on, it was pretty late SL time, but I managed to put on a human looking avatar, a cigarette and a proper attitude. I dragged the world famous kaia Ennui over to check it out with me and we promptly got in trouble.
Like typical HS ruffians, we were shouting. However, this is a no-no at KHS. Absolutely,
no shouting! Apparently, it was listed in The Rules (a notecard of cumbersome length that I perused much later). Let me tell you, the administration at the school is not interested if you are not aware of The Rules, as this would further implicate you as the kind of hooligan they do not tolerate. I made a genial attempt to let the enforcer know that having TP'd in to a location entirely different from the posted message area, that I didn't even know The Rules existed. In SL, it is possible to either create a proper landing spot or to generate the notecard upon arrival. It turns out, suggestions aren't appreciated any more than shouting is. Rudeness, however, seems to be encouraged.
I did manage to behave myself after that and poked around for a while trying to sell SL narcotics to the few avatars still around. Eventually, a typical SL exchange manifested. Two fake high school students took the opportunity to swear at each and throw some offensive epithets at each other for no particular reason.
All in all, it made me nostalgic for the good old HS days...stiff, over-bearing administration, senseless and detailed rules, and childlike behavior. I can't say they didn't hit a home run replicating the HS experience. I hope that is what the creators meant to do.

I'm not much of a RPer, but I love to check out anything new. This certainly seemed good for a lark. It was, in a way.
I arrived in an empty hallway and spun around cluelessly for a bit before finding my way out of the school building and out onto the grounds. The build is thorough and well done. You can find a good SL representation of most of all the typical HS areas: cafeteria, locker filled hallway, bathrooms, football field, classrooms, parking lot and a nice front steps complete with statue.
There wasn't a whole lot going on, it was pretty late SL time, but I managed to put on a human looking avatar, a cigarette and a proper attitude. I dragged the world famous kaia Ennui over to check it out with me and we promptly got in trouble.
Like typical HS ruffians, we were shouting. However, this is a no-no at KHS. Absolutely,
no shouting! Apparently, it was listed in The Rules (a notecard of cumbersome length that I perused much later). Let me tell you, the administration at the school is not interested if you are not aware of The Rules, as this would further implicate you as the kind of hooligan they do not tolerate. I made a genial attempt to let the enforcer know that having TP'd in to a location entirely different from the posted message area, that I didn't even know The Rules existed. In SL, it is possible to either create a proper landing spot or to generate the notecard upon arrival. It turns out, suggestions aren't appreciated any more than shouting is. Rudeness, however, seems to be encouraged.
I did manage to behave myself after that and poked around for a while trying to sell SL narcotics to the few avatars still around. Eventually, a typical SL exchange manifested. Two fake high school students took the opportunity to swear at each and throw some offensive epithets at each other for no particular reason.
All in all, it made me nostalgic for the good old HS days...stiff, over-bearing administration, senseless and detailed rules, and childlike behavior. I can't say they didn't hit a home run replicating the HS experience. I hope that is what the creators meant to do.

Scene of my arrival.

The infamouse Rules board.


Front Steps.
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