I'm not much of a RPer, but I love to check out anything new. This certainly seemed good for a lark. It was, in a way.
I arrived in an empty hallway and spun around cluelessly for a bit before finding my way out of the school building and out onto the grounds. The build is thorough and well done. You can find a good SL representation of most of all the typical HS areas: cafeteria, locker filled hallway, bathrooms, football field, classrooms, parking lot and a nice front steps complete with statue.
There wasn't a whole lot going on, it was pretty late SL time, but I managed to put on a human looking avatar, a cigarette and a proper attitude. I dragged the world famous kaia Ennui over to check it out with me and we promptly got in trouble.
Like typical HS ruffians, we were shouting. However, this is a no-no at KHS. Absolutely,
no shouting! Apparently, it was listed in The Rules (a notecard of cumbersome length that I perused much later). Let me tell you, the administration at the school is not interested if you are not aware of The Rules, as this would further implicate you as the kind of hooligan they do not tolerate. I made a genial attempt to let the enforcer know that having TP'd in to a location entirely different from the posted message area, that I didn't even know The Rules existed. In SL, it is possible to either create a proper landing spot or to generate the notecard upon arrival. It turns out, suggestions aren't appreciated any more than shouting is. Rudeness, however, seems to be encouraged.
I did manage to behave myself after that and poked around for a while trying to sell SL narcotics to the few avatars still around. Eventually, a typical SL exchange manifested. Two fake high school students took the opportunity to swear at each and throw some offensive epithets at each other for no particular reason.
All in all, it made me nostalgic for the good old HS days...stiff, over-bearing administration, senseless and detailed rules, and childlike behavior. I can't say they didn't hit a home run replicating the HS experience. I hope that is what the creators meant to do.

Scene of my arrival.

The infamouse Rules board.


Front Steps.
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