I found myself wandering an urban blight zone in SL. Not one of the true metaverse slums replete with neon, spinning cubes belching particle sputum into the aether. Rather, a detailed representation of an urban landscape with colorful wall taggings and dark, gritty textures applied to ground, walls and structures. The owner, Tomarus Lednev, has displayed some excellent photography of the Amsterdam metro network (more of the artist's work can be seen on this website). Take a gander at the beautifully grungy subway car (outter and inner vews) and the broken husk of an airliner backed by a graffiti-covered brick wall. A single manhole, venting a fetid steam, led down into a maze of sewers.
What could await an avatar at the end of such a jaunt? The singularly most entertaining part of the evening stroll......an underwater living quarters on the neighboring parcel. The relatively staid decor of the bubble-like underwater home belied the most outstanding upper chamber. A private den with a suitably large bed and walls plastered with $100 bills. Life is grand (possibly more, I didn't tally it up).
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