

I found some oxtail at the butcher and snapped it up without a thought as to what I would do with it. It seemed like an interesting adventure. A man that calls himself Taco was gracious enough to lead me to a recipe on a Brazilian food site. I had mulled something along the lines of an African stewish type recipe, but the man called Taco assured me this recipe would work well. He was correct.

In the most typical of events, the timing unit on my stove died the day following my purchase of the oxtail. This was a minor irritation and I managed to pull out a slow cooker that I had never used before. I may use it again, however. I did the first bit of softening the onions and getting the meat started for a few minutes on a skillet directly on some coals in the grill. I then immediately transferred to the slow cooker for the long haul. The results were a success.

I managed to gulp some chianti, cut my finger while screwing around with a sharp knife (apparently not the best tool for removing a small hangnail) and watched Blood and Chocolate. The movie was not bad, particularly given my exceptionally low expectations. Why do I watch these things? I just do.



Shiny new, old slow cooker

Slow Cookin'....

Dramatic finish.


Anonymous said...

whut did it taste like you should right for the avastar with a method ologee like that :argh:

GL said...

Hi, anon! Thanks for commenting. I'm sorry if I was unclear, but this was never meant to be eaten. It was an offering for Shango.

I'm sure the taste was mellow as the slow cooked meat melted with its own fatty composition and the fine red wine sliding into biting pepper undertones, fully augmented by the fresh green, salty flavor of the cheiro verde.

Only Shango knows for sure, though! Have a nice day :)

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