
There's a tear in my beer...

What the hell happened to Ed McMahon? He done got broke and is gettin rousted, that what.

McMahon went on Larry King Live (hell, yeah! my favorite) to talk about his money woes. He is $644,000 in arrears on his $4.8 million home loan. Ed claims to have had the house on the market for 2 years and hasn't been able to move it.

You can read all about how the "perfect storm" brought Ed and family down. You know how it goes, the exes all want some, the manager is trying to take a cut for doing his job, bad money management by bad people, overspending and a tragic physical setback that keeps a man from working. The average story of a working stiff getting caught up and thrown down.

Of course, this stiff has been working fairly steady since 1957. You may recall such shows as The Tonight Show, TV Bloopers and Practical Jokes, and Star Search. There was also the $7.2 million settlement in 2003 for his insurance suit regarding a flood at his home (at the time the highest published settlement to an individual claiming property damage in a mold case). However, it seems the $7 million may not have been enough to cover expenses related to the suit and at the time, the McMahons had to move out of the $23,000/month rental to reduce expenses while they were fixing the flood and mold damaged home.

Anyway, if you can spare a dime, I'm sure Ed would appreciate it.

Lest you think this is unique and not the celebrity crisis it is, note this item in the WSJ about poor Evander Holyfield facing foreclosure on his $10 million home. Maybe he didn't hear them when they called the first few times. He should get after Mike Tyson about that ear of his.

Then there's Jose Canseco. His tell-all books didn't bring in enough to allow Jose to keep paying the mortgage on his modest 7300 square foot LA home.

Hopefully, the economic stimulus package will at least give them all a little breathing room.

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