
Second Life Hockey

I haven't gotten a chance to see this in action yet, but it sounds intriguing.

I liked the sound of this post describing a previous game (Sunday, Dec 3 posting):

we had some excitement in the 3rd period when the Whales' goalie suddenly lost all sanity and pulled out a semi-automatic. Fire was opened on the Wolves, with a new player getting blown across the ice and into the boards. Fortunately, there were no fatalities in this incident. The wayward goalie was quickly restrained and booted by Jack. However, let's face it, what's hockey without some violence? True, it usually does not involve gunfire

I'll have to get to the Jericho Hill island and check it out soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Game of hockey is great...the league is not. The league is run by a middle aged man who is trapped in a 5 year old's mind. There is no freedom of speech there, which i like to think of it as a dictatorship. Jack cannot handle the league, which is falling apart, and makes me even the more happier. There are way to many accounts of muting, banning, and other crap that doesnt belong in hockey. Jack may try to be the "sane, nice guy owner who listens to everyone's problem and doesnt edit or delete post, nor does he ban people because of their opinions," which all of the above is false, and he pretends to run the league fairly, which is another load of crap that has come out of his already pathetic self. The league is composed now of "butt kissers" and "yes men" and if you say anything that goes against the league then youre banned. Hell, most of the time Jack deletes your posts and pretends not to have done it. All in all, the league has proven over time to be better looking then it really is, and its really not worth your time. If anyone has any doubts about what i have just said, or they dont believe me, i have notecards and posting that will prove you wrong, so instant message me in second life.

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