
The X-13D Experiment

I'm a sucker for new things and mystery. This filled both requirements. I never even eat Doritos, but I saw this on a foray to the local 7-11 for smokes and Gatorade.

I noticed it back by the drink cooler in a giant bag and managed to ignore it, but the sucker presentation at the counter got me.

I had to know what the hell it tasted like.

The wording on the front of the package is as follows:

"This is the X-13D Flavor Experiment. Objective: Taste and name DORITOS flavor X-13D."

The experience was a tad bizarre. My mind was warped by having to determine the flavor on its own. The flavor seemed immediately recognizable, but at the same time, nothing I could put my finger on. In the end, I decided it tasted like a cheeseburger with the works from your local joint (I like the one at Wolfy's). After having come to that decision, the "Tasting notes: All-American Classic" on the front of the package seemed to make more sense.

The Gatorade, on the other hand, I can't figure out. It definitely tastes blue.

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