
Just More Hot Air?

Wind Power.

It comes up every so often in the Great Lakes states. There is a little item in the Chicago Tribune (Section 1, Page 33 - I can't find a corresponding online article) about the pros and cons of wind farms in Lake Michigan. Offshore wind farms are not uncommon in Europe, but have not been put to use much in my backyard.

Wind speeds of above 14.3 mph when measured at approximately 500 feet above the surface (the Trib article sourced info from Michigan State University and the American Wind Energy Association) are able to generate electricity. This would certainly be the case out on Lake Michigan.

Nevertheless, no matter how often someone completes a cost analysis, a study or makes a passionate plea for wind power, it doesn't seem to get anywhere.

I want someone to design a combo satellite dish/wind turbine unit for individual houses. Don't look at me like that. The dishes are ubiquitous already. How much worse could it look. A penny saved is a penny earned.

Last year during the GreenBuild convention, there was talk of making Chicago skyscrapers more energy efficient. Sears Tower topped by wind turbines? Crazy you say? Chicago architect Adrian Smith is thinking just that as described in a recent Building article.

It also seems that Radial Wind is looking to do something with the Great Lakes. Check them out.

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