
Can You Hear Me Now

The long awaited voice capabilities have finally been integrated into the Second Life client. It came with a whimper. The first day resulted in nothing short of agravation as I did not get voice to function properly on either of my systems. Shortly thereafter, voice was brought down for maintenance.

I have since managed to test it with a two sentence exchange akin to "Can you hear me?" "Yup".

At some point I'm going to go somewhere and listen to some Welcome Area chicanery, but I haven't gotten around to it. Almost nobody I deal with on a personal level is overly interested in SL voice chat. Neither am I, but I'm also not violently opposed to voice (for you, not for me, I'm mute). Nothing I do in SL really requires, though I could see some non-recreational benefits to it (assuming it functions well).

I'm waiting for the death of text chat that I was promised. It seems to be hanging on for a bit. I'll let you know if I see any roving Voice Zombies shoving around the Texters.

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